Project History
Contracts (primary contractor for SSC, Inc. working as FTE since 2013)
- Assisted in the installation and migration to three new z16 processors (2023), with one at a remote DR location.
Responsible for configuring the Couple Facility (CF) on all three processors, updated the Policy for new CFs and
for changes in the structures. Responsible for setup of CF when z16 came online, to include Server Timer Protocol (STP)
- Assisted in the installation of z/OS 2.5 (2022), and the successful migration from z/OS 2.3 into production on all LPARs. Performed
the migration of all remaining HFS to ZFS files as a requirement for z/OS 2.5, to include new SYSPLEX ROOT using the "F OMVS,NEWROOT"
- Assisted in the setup and migration to a new DR location (2022)
- Installed CA7 V12.1 with Datacom V15.1, and followed Broadcom/CA procedures to migrate from CA7 V11.3
- Assisted in the installation and migration to three new z15 processors (2019), with one at a remote DR location,
and a smaller z14 business class processor
- Assisted in the installation of z/OS 2.3, and the successful migration from z/OS 2.1 into production on all LPARs
- ServerPac installation of MQ 9.1 Long Term Support Release (LTSR), and migration from MQ 8.0
- Upgrade of EMC Disk in 2015, using the z/OS Migrator tool and the use of REXX to build the necessary Jobs.
REXX was used to analyze and cross reference UCB addresses to Symm addresses, as well as build the necessary
z/OS Migrator Jobs. Migration to new disk was performed in one day for production disk, without any need of IPLs
- Performed migration from diverse physical and virtual tape to new TS7720 clusters in 2012, in a three cluster grid.
Used REXX, utilities, and Assembler code written to successfully migrate over 350,000 tapes.Two years later upgraded
all three TS7720 clusters in the grid, and used REXX and IBM supplied LIBRARY COPYRFSH command to again migrate over
350,000 tapes. Chose not to use IBMTOOLS. Extensive use of Bulk Volume Information Retrieval (BVIR), and REXX to manage
the TS7720 clusters. Used Assembler code to read three sources of input, to include: BVIR input, Catalog Search Interface
(CSI) of associated VOLCATs, and CA1 Tape Management Catalog (TMC). This code helped to better manage the tape libraries.
- Completed ServerPac installation of MQ LTSR 9.0 and CD 9.0.4, and migrated to 9.0 LTSR
from 8.0 for all MQ subsystems on seven LPARs
- Upgraded TMON products to latest releases available in beginning of 2018, to include: TMON Strategic Services,
TMON/ZOS, TMON/MQ, and TMON/DB2. Completed migration to new releases across all LPARs
- Assisted with the upgrade to an EMC DLM8500. Used the DLM batch utility for CP503 reporting of tapes,
along with an Assembler program to read the CA1 TMC, DLM CP503 report, and CSI of OAM VOLCATs, all to validate
Scratch and Private status across all three. Analysis resulted in identification of tapes that could be scratched
in the DLM with DLMSCR utility, and a large reclaim of space in the DLM8500.
- Installed Compuware ISPW Source Code Management (SCM) product, and setup to run in a Sandbox,
Test, and Production environments
- Provided z/OS and z/VM support for multiple client organizations performing
Disaster Recovery (DR) testing
- Configured software and hardware so that clients would have the necessary equipment and
configurations to support their DR requirements
- Implementation of Encryption Key Manager (EKM) with TS1120 drives,
and encryption of offsite backups
- ServerPac installation of and migration to z/OS R1.7 in 2006
- ServerPac installation of z/OS R1.4 using OS/390 R2.10 as the
driving system, and migration to 64bit processing on a Z800
- ServerPac installation of CICS Transaction Server 2.3
- ServerPac installation of CICS Transaction Server 2.2, and migration
from CICS Transaction Server 1.3. CBPDO maintenance upgrade of CICS.
- Implementation of Workload Manager in production on OS/390 R2.10
in preparation for migration to z/OS.
- ServerPac installation of CICS Transaction Server 1.3, and migration
from CICS 4.1. Included the implementation of Logger files using DASD-only.
- ServerPac installation of OS/390 R2.10 using OS/390 R1.3 as the
driving system
- Installation of vendor software products in preparation for
upgrade to z/OS R1.4, to include CA-Top Secret R5.3, and CA-Datacom R10
- Installation of vendor software products in preparation for
upgrade to OS/390 R2.10, to include CA-Top Secret R5.2
- Installation and migration to an IBM Z800 processor
- Implementation of an IBM Virtual Tape Server (VTS), and the use
of the Export/Import feature for offsite storage of backups. Worked with
CA to implement offsite slotting of stacked volumes, and have performed
successful Disaster Recovery (DR) tests using the Import feature of VTS
Financial Institution
Oct 1997 - Dec 2008
- Assist with z/OS R1.7 upgrade (2007)
- Assist with z/OS R1.4 upgrade (2004)
- Assist with OS/390 R2.10 upgrade (2002)
- Assist with OS/390 R2.9 upgrade (2001)
- Assist with implementation of IBM 3494 Robotic tape unit and
IBM 3590 drives. Migrated 3490e tape cartridges to 3590 cartridges
using tape stacking program
- OS/390 R2.7 upgrade (2000)
- Setup Year2000 isolated environment, and prepared all mainframe
components for Year2000 readiness
- OS/390 R2.4 upgrade (1998)
- Setup of HCD dynamic activation, and support of multiple LPARs
- ServerPac installation and production implementation of OS/390
R2.9. CBPDO maintenance upgrade the following year.
- Wrote Assembler/COBOL application using CICS TCP/IP sockets
and NCIC message processing
- Wrote the 'Watch Your Car' web enabled application for Washington,
DC using Assembler and COBOL in CICS
- ESO maintenance upgrade of OS/390 R2.7
- CBPDO upgrade of CICS 4.1 and NCP/SSP/EP
- CICS Web interface setup, testing and production implementation
- OS/390 2.7 SIE installation and customization in preparation
for migration from MVS/SP 1.3
- Migration included: Amdahl 3380 DASD to IBM 3390 DASD, ISAM to
VSAM, RACF 1.8 to RACF 2.7, CICS 1.5/1.7 to CICS 4.1, Amdahl 4705s to
IBM 3745 and NCP 7.4, and movement of ADABAS databases
- Reviewed migration strategy and provided onsite support for
production cutover to OS/390 2.5
- Customized and completed preparation of OS/390 2.4 for a
successful migration from MVS/ESA 4.3.
- Setup test/maintenance OS/390 2.4 LPAR.
- OSA2 and TCP/IP customization for multiple LPAR support
- Prepared OS/390 1.2 for production migration
- Customized ISPF access using LIBDEFs and REXX EXECs
- Prepared OS/390 1.1 for production migration
- Used IPCS and traces to debug VTAM hang problem for large
defense organization
- Awarded outsourcing contract for Mainframe System Programming
responsibilities for prestigious University, to include: operating
system, communications, online systems, database, and security
- Performed two operating system upgrades in three year period
- Implemented IBM 3494 robotic tape unit with IBM 3590 Magstar
- Performed conversion of RACF utilizing Automatic Dataset
Protection (ADSP) to all Generic profiles.
- Performed conversion from CICS V2.1.2 to CICS V3.3
- Migrated IMS V1.3 to IMS V3, and then IMS V3 to IMS V4 (no DBCTL)
- Upgraded NOTIS library system on two separate occasions
- Wrote simple Automated Operations application, which included
the following: IEAVMXIT, TSO CONSOLE command, REXX EXECs, and
assembler program used for IPL and shutdown of system
- Completed MVS/ESA V4.3 production migration
- Disaster Recovery Project
- CBIPO Installation of MVS/ESA V3, CICS V3, DB2, and IMS
- Installation of ImagePlus, OAM, FileNet Optical Jukebox,
SMS Constructs and ACS routines
- Direct support to System Programming staff, for OAM and
Imaging Application
- Assisted in development effort to replace ImagePlus with an
Imaging application that better met the needs of the customer
- Wrote assembler program to create MO:DCA/PTOCA files that
could be displayed on the PC using the Image Workstation Program
- Successful migration from MVS/SP to MVS/XA, and then two
weeks later, to MVS/ESA
- Cleanup of VSAM catalog problems, and migration to ICF Catalogs
- Prepared for MVS/ESA V3 production migration from MVS/SP
- Installation/Implementation of VTAM on VM, VSE/SP and MVS/XA
- VTAM Cross Domain support for multiple operating systems
- Migration from NCR Comten Front End Processor to IBM 3745
- CICS support for MVS/XA and VSE/SP
Last Updated: 14 May 2023
Bill Sweeney