SSC, Inc.




  • MVS, VM and VSE/SP Support

  • Cross Domain, External Communication Adapter (XCA), Applications

  • Some work with Enterprise Extender (EE) for VTAM connectivity without Cross Domain


  • Connectivity through Front End Processors (FEPs), OSA2, CTC

  • Performance and Tuning, Debugging, Traces

  • Minor Assembler Programming



  • Support for IBM and NCR Comten FEPs

  • NCP and PEP Gens

  • TCP/IP access through SNALink and IBM 3745

  • Installed BTAM into OS/390 R2.9

  • BTAM support for EP in FEPs


  • Support of TCP/IP across multiple levels of z/OS

  • Implementation in OS/390 R2.9, to include UNIX Services, and RACF Security. Implemented in OS/390 R2.10 using Top Secret Security

  • Wrote a CICS Sockets application that used the CICS Listener and a Sender for returned traffic. Used both COBOL/390 and Assembler

  • Setup CICS Web interface and wrote CICS HTML Web applications in both COBOL/390 and Assembler, to include: program to parse returned HTML, program to send output to IP addressable printers, and programs to process HTML

  • Used REXX to process HTML source and create CICS tables that could be loaded as PPT entries

  • Creation of the SSC web site


  • ISPF/REXX Application for FTP support of sequential, PDS, and VSAM file transfers

  • E-Mail application that used Interlink's TCP/IP SMTP, a customized UCLAMail, and an assembler program to extract files from spool

  • Support of BITNET and UCLAMail

  • Extensive research of RFCs supporting E-Mail

TCP/IP Printing

  • Implementation of IBM's IP Printway and Network Print Facility (NPF). Creation of NPF Input Record Exit to supply HP PCL for various options

  • Installation and customization of Interlink's Enterprise Print Services (EPS) and LRS's VPS print product

  • Installation, customization and testing of MacKinney's Beta version of JQP for TCP/IP printing

  • Written REXX EXECs to use the TCP/IP TSO command LPR
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Front End Processors

  • IBM 3745, 3725, 3720 and 3705, NCR Comten 3695, AMDAHL 4705

  • NCP, EP and TCP/IP access

  • Migrations and Upgrades

  • MOSS Access, Debugging

Open System Adapter2

  • Numerous Implementations on IBM 9672s and Multiprise 2000s

  • Ethernet and Token Ring

  • Customization of OSA2 to support TCP/IP and SNA on multiple LPARs

  • ISPF/REXX Application to assist with QUERY, GET and PUT


  • Created SSC, Inc. Web Site

  • Setup CICS Web Interface, and wrote programs for web aware applications

  • Extensive use of HTML

3270 Devices

  • Consoles, Local and Remote Terminal Access

  • SNA SDLC, Token Ring, BSC

  • Creation of SNA and NonSNA USS Tables

  • Assembler BTAM program to print on remote IBM 3287 printer
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Last Updated: 26 March 2020
Bill Sweeney / /